
New Methods for Doubling Projection Distance of Aerial Images and Dramatically Improves Image Quality
(Displaying Prototypes at a Ratio of 1:2)

The methods we are going to discuss here aim to solve three of the issues related to ASKA3D-Plates that our customers have pointed out. (This is a glass plate.)

Issue No. 1

Currently, we need a relatively wide housing because the distance ratio for the object is 1:1. Is there a way to reduce the size of the housing?
Also, is it possible to double the projection distance (1:2) to create an image of an object set at the same distance as usual?


First, point the image of the displayed object to a mirror to create a mirror image (*1), and then reproduce that mirror image by sending its reflection to the ASKA3D-Plate. This will double the normal projection distance. (*1. Mirror image: This is an image that is visible inside the mirror at a distance that is equivalent to that between the displayed object and the mirror.)
Conversely, the normal projection distance allows you to display images through housings that are about half as thin as the conventional ones (patent application pending).

Issue No. 2

Is it possible to eliminate the ghost light that appears on both sides of an aerial image?


We currently advise our customers to attach privacy film to the surface to reduce such anomalies, even though that is not a perfect solution.
With the method described in "Issue No. 1" above, the ghost light moves from its usual position and appears outside the viewing angle on both edges instead. That is why it will not be visible if you look at it from a normal standpoint.

Issue No. 3

The glass plate has a broader pitch, so is it possible to solve the drawback that small letters are difficult to read?


In ASKA3D, the entrance aperture of the ray is arranged in a grid.
On the other hand, the rays from the subject radiate from each point, and when viewed from the grid aperture, they are incident in a dense beam when approaching the subject, and in a low density beam when leaving.
The resolution of aerial imaging depends on the resolution (* 1) of the countless rays entering the grating aperture.
Thus, the beam entering the grating aperture is;

  Imaging Distance
High density ⇒ Low resolution 1: 1
Low density ⇒ High resolution 1: 2

The adjacent "1: 2" provides higher resolution. Note that a 1: 2 resolution is four times greater than a 1: 1 resolution.
(* 1. Each of the light beams diffusing in a spherical shape from the light emitting source has three-dimensional information, and how finely this light beam is decomposed to enter the lattice aperture.)

With this technology, images are formed with fine pitch and the same resolution.
High resolution has been added to the flatness, brightness and color accuracy that are characteristic of the glass plate.

About photos and videos on this page
Unfortunately, the camera cannot express the sense of distance, but the aerial image is formed at approximately 20cm from the plate surface.

Although simple in nature, we believe these methods can be surprisingly effective.
However, there are still some unresolved issues. If you increase the projection distance, for instance, you will also need a bigger plate than normal to display the images.
Please keep these considerations in mind, and make sure you set up your equipment according to the environment where you are going to use it.