日本時間の昨日(1月7日午前9時30分~)ラスベガスCES2015におきましてインテルCEO(BRIAN KRZANICH)により基調講演が行われましたが、その中で当社のAIプレートを使用したテクノロジーの発表もありました。
< 原文 >
What's great about working with partners like HP is that we get to show products we are putting into consumers’' hands today.
But in Intel, we always have eyes on what's next.
And I want to shift now to give you a glimpse of what's going on in our labs.
We are working on engineering project that will change your interaction with devices in incredible ways.
We've all dreamed or seen these new ways of working with computer.
We've seen it on movies like Minority report, Iron man and Star Wars.
And now we made it real using real sense.
So, what happens when you have 3D input combined with 3D display.
Jonathan here is going to give us a glimpse of just what that future looks like.
We've been looking at different strategies of bringing your display off of flat surface and up into 3D because with RealSense cameras and real time depth sensing, we can move beyond normal touch screen.
Here we have integrated some custom optics from our partner ASUKANET to create optical illusion of a display floating out in the air, almost like a touch senses of hologram. I will show you how it works.
So, what you are going to see now on the screen up there and ones behind me is Jonathan here is playing piano on the virtual in air keyboard.
The camera on the right shows the images in the mid air, basically a floating display.
Camera on the left is Jonathan playing the keys, not touching anything.
His hands are in the mid space.
I can tell you when Jonathan was first working on this I walked into his office and his hands were floating in the air doing things, and I was going "What the heck is he working on?" and he showed me this project finally.
Thanks very much Jonathan, this was great.
We haven't put this in a product yet, but it's a great example of just where the future can lead us.
I'd like you to check it out at Intel booth. We have this product in the booth and you can play with it yourself.
It's amazing. I want you to see where this technology is headed.
< 訳文 >
パートナーであるアスカネットのカスタムオプティックを取り入れて、ディスプレイが空中に浮かぶという光学的幻影を作りだしました。 タッチセンサー付きホログラムに近いようなものです。
お見せしましょう。このスクリーンと私の後ろのスクリーンで見て頂いているのは、ジョナサンが バーチャル空中キーボードでピアノを弾いている様子です。
